Revised On: Nov. 27th, 2024 - 12:36 pm
Registry placement date: Jan. 20, 2017
Score: 45
County: Pima
The site investigation area is in Tucson, generally bounded to the north by the West Jacinto Street, to the south by East Sahuaro Street, to the east by North Estrella Avenue and to the west by North Oracle Road. The site includes a mixture of public, commercial and residential land uses near Grant Road.
If you own a private well, live in or near the site boundaries, and have not had your well tested, please contact ADEQ.
Contaminants of Concern
Tetrachloroethene (PCE) in soil
Action Taken
Phase I and II Environmental Assessments were completed in 2014 by the City of Tucson along Grant Road that showed soil-gas contaminated with PCE beneath a building near Stone Avenue. In 2016, a preliminary investigation report was completed by ADEQ recommending the site be listed as a WQARF Site. In 2017 the Remedial Investigation (RI) was begun which consisted of the installation of four shallow and deep groundwater wells and shallow soil-gas investigations. Also in 2017, ADEQ implemented an Early Response Action that utilizes soil vapor extraction (SVE). In 2018 and 2019, additional soil-gas investigations were conducted. The RI Report was finalized in 2019 and determined that site contamination was limited to soils only. The Feasibility Study (FS), Proposed Remedial Action Plan (PRAP), and Record of Decision (ROD) were completed in 2020. Final Remedy implementation was conducted between 2020 and 2022.
The Final Remedy has been implemented at the Site. Operations, Maintenance and Monitoring (OMM) is ongoing.
Community Advisory Board (CAB)
The first Community Advisory Board (CAB) meeting was held jointly with the Park-Euclid WQARF Site and the 7th Street and Arizona Avenue WQARF Site CABs in February 2018 | View CAB History >
If you would like more information and/or want to be on the mailing list please contact the community involvement coordinator.
A list of CAB members and their contact information is available in the Community Involvement Plan (CIP) | View/Download CIP >