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2 p.m.
Virtual Meeting

VIRTUAL MEETING – Voluntary Air Permits Rulemaking

ADEQ is holding a virtual meeting for stakeholders to discuss the Voluntary Air Permits rulemaking.* The rulemaking is taking place for the following purposes:

  1. to continue to allow permitted facilities to adopt voluntary permit conditions to protect ambient air quality;
  2. to make technical corrections to ADEQ’s new source review rules to improve clarity;
  3. to correct the gaps between ADEQ’s rules and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Title V requirements regarding governing of portable Title V sources as well as procedural requirements; and
  4. to fulfill a five-year rule review commitment to the Governor’s Regulatory Review Council.

Date: Oct. 5, 2023
Time: 2 p.m.
Location: Virtual | Register via GoToWebinar >

During the meeting, ADEQ staff will give an overview of the purpose of this rulemaking and review the rulemaking process. We will also present a timeline including future opportunities for stakeholder input and what type of input will be requested, and ask for early input from stakeholders.

Contact the rulemaking team | Email >

* Rules being addressed are Arizona Administrative Code Title 18, Chapter 2, Articles 1, 3, and 5 | View Notice of Docket Opening >