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Certified Operator Fees


Operator Certification Program

New FY25 Certified Operator Fees

Revised On: July 22, 2024 - 2:30 p.m.

Certified Operators are subject to certification and period renewal; renewed certificates are Active for up to three years. Early Exam and Reciprocity review fees are non-refundable for approved and denied applications.

These fees are subject to an annual adjustment and will be updated annually on this page.

Permit Type


New Certificate/Upgrade: An applicant that seeks new certification shall submit, per certification:


Early Exam: An operator that has not held a lower grade level for the required amount of time requests the Department's determination on experience and education in order to be admitted to a higher grade certification examination shall submit a fee per application:


Reciprocity: An applicant that requests certification(s) based on reciprocity with another jurisdiction shall submit a fee per application:


An operator submitting a certificate renewal shall submit per application:

If the operator has multiple certificates, the first certificate is:

each additional certificate with the same expiration date is:





Program Coordinator
Ph: 602-771-0100
Email >