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Yuma PM-10 Moderate Nonattainment Area Rulemaking


Yuma PM-10 Moderate Nonattainment Area

Revised On: March 29, 2024 - 1:13 p.m.


ADEQ is conducting a rulemaking to enact new rules applicable to the Yuma PM10 (particulate matter 10 microns or less in diameter) “Moderate” Nonattainment Area (NAA) in order to control fugitive dust that contributes to PM10 levels in the area that exceed the federal air quality standard. ADEQ is required under the Clean Air Act to develop a State Implementation Plan (SIP) revision to control PM10 in Yuma as a result of a “SIP Call” action from the federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) published on May 17, 2022, which reinstated Moderate plan requirements for Yuma (see Additional Information below).

This rulemaking is necessary to develop and adopt new regulations in order to meet federal Clean Air Act requirements for Moderate NAAs, including implementation of reasonably available control measures (RACM), to prevent the Yuma NAA from being reclassified as “Serious,” and improve air quality to protect human health.

The new rules will reduce emissions of PM10, improve air quality, and protect human health. Once implemented and federally approved, they will allow for the development of exceptional event demonstrations that will help the area move forward toward redesignation to attainment.


  • Notice of Docket Opening | View >

Additional Information:

  • EPA Call for Attainment Plan Revision for the Yuma PM10 Moderate NAA | View >

Rulemaking Contact
Ph: 602-771-4601
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