WQARF | WCP E Grand Ave - History
Site History
Revised On: Feb. 16, 2024 - 1:57 p.m.
2020: The working party conducted groundwater monitoring activities at the Site. The Feasibility Study Report was finalized and approved by ADEQ in July. The Proposed Remedial Action Plan (PRAP) was approved by ADEQ in December.
2018 – 2019: The working party conducted groundwater monitoring activities at the Site.
2017: An additional soil gas survey was conducted in southeastern portion of the site in May and June 2017. Data indicated elevated trichloroethene (TCE) and tetrachloroethene (PCE) concentrations in the vicinity of 29th Avenue and Cherry Lynn Road. Groundwater monitoring was conducted in March.
2016: A soil gas survey was conducted in the eastern portion of the site in September and October 2016. Data indicated increasing PCE concentrations to the south along 29th Avenue. Groundwater monitoring was conducted in March and September. Groundwater levels continued to decline and contaminant concentrations were similar to previous results with contaminants of concern (COC), remaining less than the Aquifer Water Quality Standards (AWQS).
2015: Groundwater monitoring was conducted in March and September and groundwater sampling was conducted in September.
2014: Groundwater monitoring and sampling were conducted in March and September.
2013: In September, Univar shut down the Soil Vapor Extraction (SVE) system due to insufficient return of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Groundwater monitoring and sampling were conducted in March and September.
2012: The SVE system removed an average of approximately 1 pound of VOCs monthly. Groundwater monitoring and sampling were conducted in March.
2011: The SVE system removed an average of approximately 1.4 pounds of VOCs monthly. Groundwater monitoring and sampling were conducted in March and September.
2010: VOCs continue to be extracted from the soils below the former facility through the operation of the SVE system. The system removed a monthly average of approximately 2.5 pounds of VOCs. Groundwater samples were collected semi-annually.
2009: The SVE system continued to extract VOCs from the soils below the former facility. The system removed approximately four pounds of VOCs for the first nine months of the year. Groundwater samples were collected semi-annually.
2008: Two ADEQ monitor wells that were located in the City of Phoenix (COP) right-of-way were added to the SVE extraction system to increase the capture of the VOCs. These wells had become dry, due to the regional drop in groundwater levels.
2007: The total quantity of VOCs removed from the soil by the SVE system operated was approximately 990 pounds. This equates to approximately 80 gallons of VOCs that were removed from the soil.
2006: In January, ADEQ issued the proposed Remedial Objectives (RO) report for public comment to meet the requirements established under Arizona Administrative Code (A.A.C.) R18-16-406. ADEQ issued the final RO report in June. The final Remedial Investigation (RI) report for the site was issued in July.
2004: The SVE system became operational in January. ADEQ issued the draft RI report in May. The RI was centered around the former VW&R facility to clean up the soils.
2003: Since March, groundwater monitoring has been conducted by Univar. Also, Univar installed an SVE system at the former VW&R facility to clean up the soils.
1993 – 2002: The remedial investigation (RI) field activities at this site were conducted between 1993 and 2002. In January 2002, ADEQ entered into an agreement with Univar (parent company of VW&R) to conduct the monitoring groundwater quality and to conduct the Feasibility Study (FS).
1982 – 2000: VOCs were first detected in groundwater in the West Central Phoenix (WCP) area in July. The COP detected TCE in four municipal public supply wells, COP #70, #71, #151, and #152. The Arizona Department of Health Services, Salt River Project, and the COP confirmed the presence of VOCs in the groundwater with sampling in 1983, 1985, and 1986. Groundwater from COP wells #70 and #71 contained the highest concentrations of TCE and, therefore, were immediately shut down. Wells #151 and #152 were monitored for VOC concentrations from 1982 until 1989. As a result of sampling conducted during February of 1989, COP elected to take both wells #151 and #152 off-line on March 7, 1989.
In 1987, the WCP area was designated a WQARF priority list site. In 1997, ADEQ established the WQARF Registry, which replaced the priority list. The site was placed on the WQARF Registry in April 1998 with a score of 26 out of a possible 120. The site score was re-evaluated in 2000 with a revised score of 31.
1957 – 1970: The former VW&R facility is the primary source of contamination at the site. VW&R operated near 27th Avenue and Osborn Road from 1957 to 1970. Operations included warehousing, distribution of industrial, agricultural chemical products, upholstery supplies, laundry, and dry cleaning supplies.