Revised On: Feb. 26, 2024 - 1:40 p.m.
County: Maricopa County
Location: 46402 & 46430 North 27th Ave.
New River, AZ 85087
Contaminants of Concern (COCs)
Potential unexploded ordnance (UXO)
Discovery Date
January 1997
Affected Media
Site Summary
- There is no offsite soil or groundwater plume at this time.
Corrective Action
- In 1997, ADEQ removed chemicals and explosives.
- In 2017, a boundary survey was done to establish property lines.
- In spring 2018, assessment of UXOs was completed.
Status Update
- A Removal Action (RA) for the site was enacted in December 2017 and completed in April 2018 by the State of Arizona Department of Administration (ADOA), acting as the lead agency, and facilitated by the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ). ADEQ declared the RA an Emergency Response Action (ERA) under the ADEQ's Water Quality Assurance Revolving Fund (WQARF) Program.
- The primary objective of the RA was to remove munitions and explosives of concern (MEC), Material Potentially Presenting an Explosive Hazard (MPPEH), and Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) from the site. The RA consisted of four contiguous parcels of land (Maricopa County Assessor Parcel Numbers 202-14-005Q, 202-14-013V, 202-14-013R, 202-14-015) with street addresses of 46402 and 46430 North 27th Avenue, New River, Arizona 85087 shared amongst the parcels.
- The RA report, “site Specific Final Report,” dated December 2018 is completed and available to the public | View/Download >
- The intent of the completed ERA was to prevent, minimize, or mitigate the release or threat of a release of hazardous explosive materials and substances, and to address imminent and substantial danger to public health, welfare, and the environment. Best practices for MEC, MPPEH, and IED characterization and removal were employed during the ERA, but due to current technological limitations and uncertainty inherent in locating all hazardous materials and substances at the site, there is no reasonable way to obtain 100 percent confidence that all hazardous materials and substances have been removed from the site.
- It is both cautious and a standard practice to assume that residual munitions may remain after a response operation is complete.
Therefore, any intrusive work or activity (e.g. excavation, digging, mining, trenching, etc.) that may be conducted at the site, regardless of size or scope, should retain the services of a professional munitions expert for unexploded ordinance construction support prior to initiating work. In addition, any indication of MEC, MPPEH, and IED at the site should be responded to by avoidance, immediately evacuating the area and notifying the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office.
- Comprehensive information regarding the site, nature and location of hazardous materials found at the site, and the site RA may be found in the site Specific Final Report.