Revised On: Jan. 22, 2024 - 3:00 p.m.
Common Violations & How to Prevent Them
Proactively managing used oil at your facility not only protects public health and the environment, it prevents violations and can save owners and operators sizable costs related to enforcement. Following are the most common violations and requirements and best practices to prevent them.
Lacking a quarterly report containing tracking information1
Transporters, processors, marketers, and re-refiners of used oil must submit quarterly reports to ADEQ within 30 days after the end of the quarter. It must contain a copy of the tracking information and must be kept for three years.2
Records not properly retained3
Used oil transporters must follow applicable rules and regulations and keep a record of each used oil shipment accepted for transport. Records for each shipment must include all of the following:
- Name and address of the generator, transporter or processor/re-refiner who provided the used oil for transport
- EPA identification number, if applicable
- Quantity of used oil accepted
- Date of acceptance
- A signature dated upon receipt of used oil.
Records must be maintained for at least three years.
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1A.R.S. § 49-802(C)(3) | View >
240 C.F.R. § 279.46 | View >
340 C.F.R. § 279.46(a) and A.R.S. § 49-802(A) | View >