PUBLIC NOTICE | Miller Valley Road and Hillside Avenue WQARF Site Draft Remedial Investigation Report and Solicitation of Remedial Objectives
ADEQ has released the draft remedial investigation (RI) report for the Miller Valley Road and Hillside Avenue Water Quality Assurance Revolving Fund (WQARF) site in Prescott, Arizona. An RI is conducted to document the nature and extent of the contamination and the sources thereof; identify current and potential impacts to public health, welfare, and the environment; identify current and reasonably foreseeable uses of land and waters of the state; and obtain and evaluate any other information necessary for identification and comparison of alternative remedial actions. Proposed remedial objectives (RO) are solicited from the public and are the clean-up goals determined for a specific site and consider the current and reasonably foreseeable future uses of land and waters of the state.
Site Information
The Miller Valley Road and Hillside Avenue WQARF site consists of a contaminated groundwater plume located in Prescott. The plume is bounded approximately by the Merritt Avenue alignment to the north Miller Creek to the south, Division Street to the east, and Valley Street/Miller Creek to the west.
Contaminants of concern at the site are tetrachloroethene (PCE) and trichloroethene (TCE).
Miller Valley Road and Hillside Avenue | Visit Page >
Review Documents
Original Published Public Notice | View/Print >
Draft RI Report | Download >
You may also review the above documentation in person at the ADEQ Record Center | Learn How >
Public Comment Period
Dates: Nov. 18, 2019 – Jan. 17, 2020
Comments may be submitted as follows:
By Email | Send Email >
By Mail (Must be postmarked or received by Jan. 17, 2020):
Hazel Cox
ADEQ, Waste Programs Division
400 W. Congress, Suite 433
Tucson, AZ 85701
In Person at Public Meeting on Jan. 9, 2019, in Prescott | View Details >