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Submitted by JC18 on September 19, 2017

An air quality registration is required for all industrial activities with a maximum capacity to emit that is in excess of the permitting exemption thresholds, but less than the significant levels. If the facility's maximum capacity to emit is greater than the significant levels for any pollutant, then an individual permit is required | Learn More > 

If a facility with a maximum capacity to emit above the significant levels chooses to take any of the following elective limits and controls to reduce emissions below the significant levels, they may still apply for a registration:

  • limits on hours of operation
  • limits on production
  • operation of a fabric filter
  • limits on VOC and/or hazardous air pollutants containing solvents, coatings and other process materials that are used in the facility

If the applicant takes any of the four elective limits and controls to reduce emissions below all permitting exemption thresholds, the registration is not subject to the public participation and ambient air standards review requirements.

Air Quality Standard Registration Application | View/Download >

Not sure if your facility will require an air quality permit or registration?

No problem — submit the Air Quality Permit Determination Request Form for an evaluation of your facility's air quality permitting requirements.

Air Quality Permit Determination Request | View/Download >